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Loyalty Points

Loyalty Points can be acquired by defeating the bosses of the Tower of Bosses each boss has his reward which would be Loyalty Points! Know the benefits of these points below.

Loyalty Points
The Loyalty Points will grant you ranks every time you increase your Loyalty Points amount these ranks benefit a lot since for each 360 Loyalty Points the character will receive a 5% bonus on all his skill points, however, the bonus that a character can receive is limited 50%.

Thornia Titles
All the characters in an account receive a title that represents their points of Loyalty Points earned. For all players that are not hidden, the title appears in the character view on the website and in the game looking at a character.All the characters in an account receive a title that represents their points of Loyalty Points earned. For all players that are not hidden, the title appears in the character view on the website and in the game looking at a character.

Loyalty Points Title
50 Scout of Thornia
100 Sentinel of Thornia
200 Steward of Thornia
400 Warden of Thornia
1000 Squire of Thornia
2000 Warrior of Thornia
3000 Keeper of Thornia
4000 Guardian of Thornia
5000 Sage of Thornia

Bonus en skill points
Characters with at least 360 Loyalty Points will receive a bonus in their skill points. Although the amount itself is not shown, a certain amount of points is needed to get your skill points level next. Like the experience level, an increasing amount of points is needed to get to the next skill as your skill points increase. For every 360 loyalty points a character receives a 5% bonus on all his skill points, however, the bonus that a character can receive is limited to 50%.

To give an example: A paladin needs 611 skill points for shielding skill 15. A character with 360 Loyalty Points has a bonus of 5%. This means that the character does not have 611 skill points but 611 + 5% / 611 = 641 skill points that remain the same as the shielding skill 15. A character with 2160 Loyalty Points and with that a bonus of 30% has 611 + 30% / 611 = 794 skill points that equal the shielding skill 16.

Example: Paladin with Shielding Skill 15
Loyalty Points Bonus Skill (Skill Points)
0 0%15 (611)
360 5%15 (641)
2160 30%16 (794)
3600 50%17 (916)

Monster of the Day
Monster Pedestal

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