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Lottery Rewards
Increase the Critical Hit chance by 5% for one hour..
Refill 4 hours of stamina.
Reset all active spell cooldowns.
Increases offensive charm trigger chances by 5% (except Cripple) for one hour.
Makes kills count twice for the Bestiary for one hour
Increases physical element damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases death element damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against damage received from the element of death by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases holy element damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against damage received from the holy element by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases fire damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against incoming fire damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases ice damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against damage received from the ice element by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases energy element damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against damage received from the energy element by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases earth element damage by 8% for 1 hour.
Increases defense against damage received from the earth element by 8% for 1 hour.

Latest Winners
Zhepersin Mochilero holy amplification
Zhepersin Mochilero charm upgrade
Zhepersin Agresivo outfit box
Zhepersin ice amplification
Zhepersin holy resilience
Zheper Didi earth resilience
Zheper Didi ice amplification
Zheper Didi physical resilience
Zheper Didi ice amplification
Zheper Didi thornia token
Monster of the Day
Monster Pedestal

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